50% Reduction in Cost-per-Lead for New Client

50% Reduction in Cost-per-Lead for New Client

We took over an Adwords account for a legal services company on 10.1.16. Client previously had no GA goal tracking set up, so first up--we set up three goals: 1.) Form fill, 2.) Phone call, 3.) Interact with live chat. Side note: Client was not using live chat before we signed them up, but we really drive hard that our PPC clients get into it. We always get good lead volume from chat. They also weren't using any call tracking and we fixed that right away as well!

Adwords Click-to-Message Extension | First Impression

Adwords Click-to-Message Extension | First Impression

SMS marketing isn't a new thing for us at CYS. A few years ago we started talking about this idea to "meet your clients where they're at". And the idea lead to significant changes in the way we advocated for websites to be set up and correspondingly, how we were setting up and measuring goals in Google Analytics. Meeting your clients where they're at in practice meant offering to communicate with them on their terms--when, where and how they wanted to talk.

Targeting Spanish-Speaking Audiences in AdWords: Why This Works & How To Do It

Targeting Spanish-Speaking Audiences in AdWords:  Why This Works & How To Do It

Anyone who is serious about PPC is always looking for improvement, and the longer one has been at this practice the harder it may become to do so.  A well optimized account is after all, well -  ...optimized.  Over the life of a campaign as growth begins to taper the most important thing to do is seek out those hidden gems, the unrealized opportunity that all the scripts, SKAGS, and scouring just couldn’t seem to tease out.  At CYS we have realized these nuggets across many large accounts by opening up to the untapped potential of the bilingual and Spanish-speaking communities of the United States.

Product Review: AdEspresso

Product Review: AdEspresso

CYS is a big fan of Facebook ads. Over the past few years the platform has become exponentially more popular--and with that popularity has come significantly increased competition. In many cases increased competition has resulted in increased CPC’s and combined with Facebook’s announcement on June 26th, 2016 that it would change its News Feed to be more family and friend-centric--tools like AdEspresso go a long way to support our obligation to find what works for our clients and reach their audience.