Case Study: Beyond Cost-Per-Lead Using CallTrackingMetrics

Case Study: Beyond Cost-Per-Lead Using CallTrackingMetrics

Cost-per-lead measurement leaves something to be desired, doesn’t it? Getting beyond CPL is hard work that requires commitment from agency and client alike. Here’s how we did it. This project represents (as of now) six months worth of work, through numerous iterations of ‘most current, best truth’. The value is clear: Know and optimize for the cost to generate an appointment.

Facebook Remarketing Study

Facebook Remarketing Study

As usual, we're experimenting! This time with different remarketing tactics on Facebook to see if we can identify any patterns. This test ran over 20 days, spent about $1k in ad budget and was set up make comparisons between two primary variables, 1.) remarketing list size length, comparing 7 days vs 90 day and 2.) campaign objectives, comparing Link Clicks vs Brand Awareness vs Engagement. Here's the total results from all campaigns:

CYS 2017 Highlights

CYS 2017 Highlights

It was a big year for team CYS in 2017! We've been so busy with new projects that we neglected the blog. But over the holiday weekend I took some time to add it all up--with the help of my new all-time favorite time-saving, report building, data aggregating super and in hindsight--it really was a heck of a year. And we sure are excited about where we're headed.